* The following are frequently asked questions. If you do not find what you want to consult, please contact us for relevant information.

Low temperature will cause the range and power of our vehicles to decrease. For example, when the temperature is 25℃, the battery power output is 100%. When the temperature is 0 ° C, the continuous discharge power of the battery is only about 80% of that at 25 ° C. In the low-temperature environment, it is recommended to go slowly, do not rush to accelerate, speeding, and pay attention to the change of the remaining mileage.

The warranty period shall be based on the purchase invoice of the product, the receipt time of the platform order and the date recorded in SNOPOR’s system. For details, please refer to the terms of Service.

You are advised to refer to the User Manual for troubleshooting. If the fault persists, call the service hotline 020-84928656 for help.

The vehicle is easy to overdischarge if it is not used for a long time. It is recommended to fully charge the battery after each use. If the battery is not used for a long time, charge it once a month to prolong the battery life.

The battery can not be disassembled privately, privately disassembled will lose the warranty service.